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[AI] 스탠포드가 생각하는 AI 시대의 교육


EO Youtube Channel


이 영상은  YOUTUBE Channel EO에서 발취한 내용입니다.

크게 3가지로 구성된 영상인데,

  • 3 Things of AI Thinking
  • How Do We Invent New Things?
  • 5 Steps of Design Thinking
  • I Let My Students Use ChatGPT


여기서 3 Things of AI Thinking 과 5 steps of Desgin Thinking에 대해서 간략하게 정리해 보았습니다.


3 Things of AI Thinking

1. AI를 가능한한 빨리 가르쳐라
(We need to start a tech AI Thinking as early as possible)
2. 인간과 AI의 차이점을 알야아 한다.
(The second on is that you will gain the ability to differentiate the human ability versus the machine's ability or AI's ability.
3. 1번과 2번을 이해한 다음에 AI와 일하는 방식을 알아야 한다. 
(After you get the first two, The third on is you will have the ability to work with AI)


5 steps of Desgin Thinking

Design Thinking
1. Empathize

(You have to understand who you're inventing for)

2. Define

(A lot of people, They didn;t have the right problem to start with then you have to define that problem clearly)

3. Ideation
(Using Brainstorming to generate lot of ideas then you get feedbacks from the users)

4. Prototype

(You pick the good ones to prototype)


(You do test what the user and then you get feedback)

All Desgin is Re-Design



