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[article/AI]Where is the A.I heading?

Of course, there is the argument that new technology improves our standard of living in the long term, which makes up for the unemployment that it creates in the short term. This argument carried weight for much of the post-Industrial Revolution period, but it has lost its force in the past half century. In the United States, per-capita G.D.P. has almost doubled since 1980, while the median household income has lagged far behind. That period covers the information-technology revolution. This means that the economic value created by the personal computer and the Internet has mostly served to increase the wealth of the top one per cent of the top one per cent, instead of raising the standard of living for U.S. citizens as a whole.

Of course, we all have the Internet now, and the Internet is amazing. But real-estate prices, college tuition, and health-care costs have all risen faster than inflation. 


The productivity software that ran on personal computers was a perfect example of augmentation rather than automation: word-processing programs replaced typewriters rather than typists, and spreadsheet programs replaced paper spreadsheets rather than accountants. But the increased personal productivity brought about by the personal computer wasn’t matched by an increased standard of living.



The current A.I does work for managment not for workers.

As it is currently deployed, A.I. often amounts to an effort to analyze a task that human beings perform and figure out a way to replace the human being. Coincidentally, this is exactly the type of problem that management wants solved. As a result, A.I. assists capital at the expense of labor. There isn’t really anything like a labor-consulting firm that furthers the interests of workers. Is it possible for A.I. to take on that role? Can A.I. do anything to assist workers instead of management?


