Application architecture 2 type(by HOST로 구분)
- client-server
- peepr-to-peer(P2P)
Client-Server architecture
통신을 하는 주체는 프로그램이라고 함. 실행중인 프로그램을 프로세스(Process)라고 칭함. OS 관점에서.
Server:precess that initiates communictation
- always-on host
- permanent IP address
- data centers for scaling
Clients:process that waits to be contacted
- communicate with only server
- do no communicate directly with each other
- may be intermittently connected
- may have dynamic IP addresses
P2P architecture
- no always-on server
- arbitrary end systems directly communicate(유저끼리 통신)
- peers request service from other peers, provide service in returen to other peers (self scalability - new peers bring new service capacity, as well as new service demands)
- peers are intermittently connected and change IP addresses(complex management)
applycation layer generate a message handing to down to transport
커뮤니케이션은 두개에 호스트에 시팅(sitting)하고 있는 프로세스 간에 이뤄지는 것
To receive message, process must have identifier.
identifier includes both IP address and port numbers associated with process on hot.
커뮤니케이션이 온전히 이뤄지기 위해선 목적지가 분명해야 함. 그래서 집주소인 IP + 사람이름Port가 필요.
Internet transport protocols services
TCP service
- reliable transport : between sending and reciving process
- flow control : sender won't overwhelm receiver
- connection-oriented : setup required between client and server processes through hands shacking at first
※ Hands shacking at first == Protocol control managment == 에너지가 많이 먹음(overhead)
- congestion control : trottle senderwhen network overloaded
- does not provide : timing, minium throughput guarantee, security.
UDP service
- unreliable data transfer : between sending and receiving process
- does not provide : reliability, flow control, congestion control, timing, trhoughput guarantee, securitym or connection setup.
APP-Layer protocl defines
- Tyepes of messages exchaged.(e.g request, response)
- Message syntax : what fields in messages & how fields are delineated(구분, 구획).
- Message emantics : meaning of information in fields.
- rules : for when and how process send & respond to messages.
Application Protocal Outline
Web : HTTP
- web page consists of objects
- web page consists of base HTML-file which includes serveral referenced objects
- each object is addressable by a URL
Application program 과 Application protocol의 차이 확인 가능
program(process) == eg Firefox, Safari
protocol == HTTP
'TCP connect 이 맺어졌다(1a ~ 1b)'와 'TCP connect을 통해서 메시지를 주고 받는다(2~5)' 구분
맺어졌다 ==> Socket(like a door) created both server side(cilent and server)
메시지를 주고 받는다 ==> The both server communivate through a Socket(request and response)
Response Time
Transport layer 부터는 OS 관할 이기 때문에 만약 Parllel TCP Connections을 진행한다면 OS's resource를 사용하게 된다.(socket 할당, buffer 할당, TCP 관리 등)
이화여대 2014, 컴퓨터네트워크
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