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[Lecture]Network 1강

Internet is network of networks

Network structure

  • network edge == millions of connected computing devices : hosts = end systems
  • network core == packet switches : foward packedts(chunks of data) : routers and switches
  • access network, physical media == communication links : fiber, copper, radio, satellite.



Protocols define format, order of messages sned and received among network entities, and actions token on messaage transmissionm, receipt.


Access Network

- bandwidth == transmission rate(bits per second)

- 2 tyep of Access network about bandwidth 1) shared or 2)dedicated

ISP(Internet Service Provider) ex. KT, SKT  etc Access Network를 허용해주는 회사


Home Network

Jeffry Tyler



Enterprise access networks(Ethernet)

Ethernet switch

Published by Jeffry Tyler





출처 : 이화여자대학교, 컴퓨터 네트워크(2014년)